Need Relief for Back Pain? Consider Your Mattress
The simple answer is: buy the best mattress you can afford. You spend ⅓ of your life sleeping. Skimping on your mattress can be bad for your health because and an uncomfortable night’s sleep robs you of energy and may be one of the causes of back and neck pain. Changing your mattress could
One of the most common questions I get asked is: Which mattress do you recommend, Doc?
The simple answer is: buy the best mattress you can afford.
A new queen mattress can run anywhere from under $1000 to over $5000. So the first step is to figure out what your budget will allow and purchase the best possible mattress in your price range.
Don’t let the anxiety and confusion of selecting the right mattress prevent you from buying a new one. Soft? Firm? Plush? Plush firm? Brand name? Tempurpedic? Coil? Eco-friendly? Whether a mattress is soft or firm is not the key factor. The best mattresses are designed to be supportive. From a chiropractor’s perspective, the right mattress will support the natural position of your spine and prevent fixations.
The number one piece of advice I have for bed shopping is to lay on the mattress with your significant other. Be prepared to lay on the mattress for a while. Ask the sales rep for a test pillow, assume your usual sleep position, and stay there for a good 5-10 minutes. I have a lot of patients who put up with years of back pain because their partner picked out an inappropriate mattress. So make sure you both love it!
Start with checking out the high end mattresses to learn about the best features and try out the most comfortable options. Then work your way around the showroom to the budget varieties so that you can really compare the comfort and quality of high-end vs. budget options.
Take a picture of yourself laying in your favorite sleep position. Check to see if you can draw a straight line from your head to your tailbone along your spine. Look for rotation of your pelvis, sagging of your spine, or weird angles in your body from sagging of the mattress.