Intentions Succeed Where Resolutions Fail
New Year’s Resolutions often go like this: I’m overweight. I need to go on a diet. I join a gym and go five days a week for the first two weeks. I feel guilt and shame when I fall off course. I eat three slices of pizza instead of just one. I feel like a…
The Problem With New Year’s Resolutions is That They Focus on the Negative.
We make resolutions to change the things we don’t like, or that aren’t working. That’s not motivating, is it?
A Better Approach is to Consider the Habits We Want to Change, or the New Habits We Want to Create. Then Set Intentions.
Begin the year with a sense of renewal and creative energy instead.
I personally make Intentions at the New Year. I look back on the Intentions I made the year before. I reflect on how well I did, and adjust for the coming year. I include personal, business and family Intentions, because each facet of my life matters.
Intentions Place the Focus Not on What We Want to Fix…but on What We Want to Create.
Intentions have a COMPASSIONATE energy. They simply ASK that we are mindful of our actions. When we set an INTENTION to eat healthier, every moment is a FRESH START. We can view that third slice of pizza without shame and Just Start Over.
Daily Intentions Are the Most Powerful.
For 2017, I created Intentions for THE FIVE AREAS OF MY LIFE that mean the most to me: myself, my marriage, my family, my business, and my community. I wrote them in my journal and taped them to my bathroom mirror. I reviewed them every morning. This daily practice focused my mind and helped me create the life I wanted. It worked.
It’s Important That the Strategies We Use to Grow Are Effective.
While I am a CEO, a clinic director, and chiropractor, I am also a mother, a wife, and a friend. I want to take ownership over all of these parts of my life. If one area suffers, they all can begin to suffer.
Take some time to mindfully choose your INTENTIONS. Choose an overarching WORD to focus on. Choose the areas of your life where you can apply that word. Why did you choose that word? How will you create the life you want this year?
Ready to set some Intentions? Check out our HEALING AFFIRMATION CARD WORKSHOP.